> 春节2024 > 大年三十要回家团圆吗英语





People in China at the end of the year tend to go back home and reunite with their families.



On the eve of the festival, all family members come back home.



The word \"house\" refers to the physical dwelling, while \"family\" and \"home\" relate to the concept of a household or the people living together. When \"family\" is used as a collective term, it is singular; when referring to individual family members, it is plural.



The term for \"除夕\" in English is \"New Year\'s Eve,\" which is the last night at the end of the year. It is a day for bidding farewell to the old, welcoming the new, and gathering with family members to honor ancestors.

“除夕”在英语中的说法是“New Year\'s Eve”,也就是一年的最后一个晚上。这一天用来告别旧年,迎接新年,并与家人团聚,祭祖。


The English phrases for \"和某人团聚\" can be \"reunite with sb\" or simply \"reunite.\" These phrases convey the idea of coming together again, reuniting, and experiencing the joy of being together. Reunions often occur on special occasions such as holidays like the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival.

“和某人团聚”的英文短语可以是“reunite with sb”或者简单地说成“reunite”。这些短语传达了再次汇聚在一起、重聚并感受到团聚的快乐的意思。团聚通常发生在特殊场合,如中秋节或春节等节日。


The term for \"年夜饭\" in English is \"Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner\" or \"family reunion dinner.\" It is a significant meal on New Year\'s Eve where family members gather to enjoy a festive feast together.

“年夜饭”的英文说法是“Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner”或者“family reunion dinner”。这是除夕的重要一餐,家人们聚在一起共享节日盛宴。


On the 17th of September, it is the Chinese New Year - Spring Festival. That is the most important festival of China, where children eagerly anticipate receiving red envelopes filled with lucky money, bringing them great joy!



The word for \"团聚\" in English is \"reunion\" or \"gathering.\" Both words signify the coming together of family members, often on special occasions like the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival, to celebrate and enjoy each other\'s company.



1. The whole family gathers together. 2. We have many people coming to greet us for the New Year.

1. 全家人聚在一起。2. 我们有很多人前来给我们拜年。