> 文章列表 > 春节逛商场热不热呢英文





暖和:warm 温暖:warms 春节:spring day

暖和和温暖这两个词在英文中的表达分别是warm和warms。而“春节”的英文翻译是spring day。


My favorite is the Spring Festival,because it is very interesting,in January or February,people celebrate...

Spring Festival is my favorite holiday because it is extremely interesting. It is usually celebrated in the months of January or February. During this time, people come together to celebrate with various traditions and activities.


1.The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. It usually falls in January or February.2.A few days before...

1. The Spring Festival is known as Chinese New Year and it typically takes place in either January or February. It is an important holiday in Chinese culture, symbolizing the beginning of a new year. 2. Before the Spring Festival, people...


My favorite holiday is the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival is a popular Chinese festival,usually...

The Chinese New Year is my favorite holiday because it is a widely celebrated festival in China, known as the Spring Festival. It is a time when families gather together and participate in various traditions and festivities, such as setting off fireworks, exchanging red envelopes, and enjoying delicious food.


1:We visited our relatives2:Everyone does a haircut3:Red color resembles good luck4:We wear new clot...

1: We visited our relatives during the Spring Festival, which is a common tradition in Chinese culture. It is a time for family reunions and catching up with loved ones. 2: Before the Spring Festival, it is common for people to get a haircut as a way of starting fresh for the new year. 3: The color red is considered lucky and symbolizes good fortune, so it is often used in decorations and clothing during the Spring Festival. 4: Wearing new clothes is a tradition during the Spring Festival, as it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year.


春天的单词:spring ;词组短语:spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一);in spring 在春天;spring and autumn 春秋;hot spring 温泉扩展资料...

春天的单词包括:spring;词组短语:spring festival(春节-中国农历正月初一),in spring(在春天),spring and autumn(春秋),hot spring(温泉)。春天是一个富有生机和充满活力的季节,人们期待着春天的到来,享受阳光明媚和温暖的天气。


1. Lunar New Year is the most important Chinese holiday, it is usually in January or February; 2. Fa...

1. 春节是中国最重要的节日,通常在一月或二月份,也被称为农历新年。人们会进行一系列庆祝活动,包括宴会、焰火表演和舞狮表演等。这是一个团聚和庆祝的时刻,家人和亲友会聚集在一起,共度欢乐时光。2. 在春节前的一些日子里,人们会开始打扫房屋,进行大扫除。这是为了迎接新年的到来,象征着新的开始和祛除晦气。


Spring Festival 春节Chinese New Year 中国年Lunar New Year 农历年都是专有名词,首字母要大些.可以加the. Spring Festival 春节Chin...

春节的英文翻译有几个常用的表达方式,包括Spring Festival(春节)、Chinese New Year(中国年)和Lunar New Year(农历年)。这些都是专有名词,首字母要大写。在具体使用时可以加上定冠词“the”,例如“The Spring Festival”和“The Chinese New Year”,以突出其特殊性。


festive皇室婚礼是喜庆的盛事.The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity.在中国春节是最喜庆的节日.The spring Festi...

“喜庆”的英文表达可以使用“festive”。例如,皇室婚礼是喜庆的盛事,可以表达为“The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity.” 在中国,春节是最喜庆的节日,可以表达为“The Spring Festival is the most festive holiday in China.” 喜庆是中国文化中非常重要的一部分,人们会通过庆祝活动、装饰和传统仪式来庆贺这一节日。


We should celebrate the Spring Festival

过节的英文表达是“celebrate a festival”,或者可以使用“celebrate a holiday”。例如,如果想表达“我们应该过春节”,可以说“We should celebrate the Spring Festival”。