> 文章列表 > 向谁拜年和给谁拜年的英语




In the Spring Festival, people take to the streets to greet and pay respects to each other, which requires the phrase \"greet each other\".


The English translation for \"拜年\" is \"Pay New Year\'s call\". It can also be translated as \"pay a New Year call\", \"make a ceremonial call on New Year\", or \"extend New Year greetings\".


The common translation for \"拜年\" in English is \"New Year greetings\". Other translations include \"pay a New Year call\" or \"make a New Year visit\".


Author/English teacher Liu Jianghua says that when we visit our relatives during the Spring Festival, we can use a specific English sentence to greet them. It is not just simply saying \"Happy New Year\". The sentence is \"Have a blessing-filled year ahead\".


The English translation of \"孩子们对大人们拜年\" is \"The children pay New Year\'s call to the adults\". This signifies the tradition of children visiting and greeting their elders during the Spring Festival.


The translation for \"我们去亲戚家拜年\" is \"We went to relatives\' homes to pay New Year\'s call\". This sentence describes the act of visiting relatives during the Spring Festival to exchange New Year wishes and greetings.


The English translation for \"人们去拜年\" is \"People go to pay New Year\'s call\". This reflects the tradition of individuals visiting friends and family during the Spring Festival to offer their New Year blessings and greetings.


The tradition of paying New Year\'s call originated in ancient times. It is said that there was a fierce beast in ancient times...


大年三十: Spring Festival\'s Eve

拜年: Pay a New Year\'s call

年夜饭: Reunion dinner

压岁钱: Lucky money

These English translations capture the essence of these important customs during the Chinese New Year celebration.


The English translation for \"springfestival\" is \"Spring Festival\". It is also known as \"Chinese New Year\" or \"Lunar New Year\", which are commonly used alternative terms that refer to the celebration of the Chinese calendar\'s new year. It is a time of grand celebration in China and is often referred to as \"New Year\" or \"nian\" as well.